Our Mission

MCA exists to expose the life-changing Truth of Jesus Christ.

Everything we do, from Sunday morning services to Christmas parties, is all about reaching people for Jesus Christ. We believe that every person who walks through the doors of our church is looking for help, hope, and home. We strive to structure our services and ministries in such a way that each person feels the love of the Lord and finds an authentic community to be a part of. Our church is passionate about the Word of God, the message of the Gospel, and the movement of the Spirit. We don’t exist solely for the people who attend our services—we are a church for the whole community and are eager to partner with schools, community organizations, and outreach programs to share the love of Jesus with anyone who needs it.

We're looking forward to meeting you & your family!



We meet Sunday at 9 AM & 11 AM

Our services typically last about 1 hour & 30 minutes and include live music and teaching.

We offer children’s ministry during services so that kids can learn about God on their own level.

When kids have fun at church, they can't wait to come back. We know they'll have fun each week as they learn about who God is through play, engaging activities, music, and more.

We also have a mid-week service that has something for the entire family!

Wednesday service begins at 7 PM and includes services for kids and youth.


We are casual around here. You will see jeans, shorts, dresses, and business casual attire. So, wear something comfortable and join us.


What we believe

See how we view God, Jesus, the Bible man, and the many significant aspects of our faith, firmly rooted in scripture, the beliefs of MCA, guide our decisions as a church.

Service Times

Sunday ​9am • 11am

Wednesday 7 pm

13830 Nason St.

Moreno Valley, CA



We are excited to meet you! Let us know you’re coming! We’ll have a FREE GIFT FOR YOU, and A leader ready to welcome you, answer your questions, and show you around our church home.



See how we view God, Jesus, the Bible, man, and many significant aspects of our faith. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of MCA guide our decisions as a church.


We Believe…

The Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God. 

(John 16:13II Timothy 3:15-17II Peter 1:21I Thessalonians 2:13) 

That there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

 (Deut. 6:4, Isaiah 43:10-11, Matt. 28:18, Luke 3:22, John 14:16) 

In the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

(John 1:1, 14, 20:28-29, Phillipians 2:6-11, Isaiah 9:6, Col. 2:9) 

His Virgin birth. 

(Matthew 1:18, Luke 1:34-35, Isaiah 7:14) 

His sinless life. 

(II Cor. 5:21, Heb. 4:15, 7:26-27, I John 3:5, I Peter 2:22) 

His miracles. 

(Matthew 4:23, Luke 6:17-19, John 3:2) 

His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood.

(Collosians 1:14, 20, Romans 5:8-9, Ephesians 1:7) 

His bodily resurrection. 

(I Cor. 15:3-4, Luke 24:4-7, 36-48, Revelation 1:17-18) 

His ascension to the right hand of the Father. 

(Acts 2:23, 5:30-31, I Peter 3:22) 

His presonal return in power and in glory. 

(Acts 1:11, Phil. 2:9-11, I Thess. 1:10, 4:13-18, John 14:1-3) 

That Justification by faith in the atonement of Jesus Christ and regenration by the Holy Spirit are absolutely essential for the salvation of lost and sinful man. 

(Rom. 3:24-25, John 3:3-7, I John 5:11-13, Eph. 2:1-16, Rev. 5:9, Acts 4:23, I Cor. 6:11) 

That the prime agency for the work of God's Kingdom is the local church functioning under the sovereignty of our Lord Jesus Christ. To the church have been entrusted the ordinances of Believer's Baptism and the Lord's Supper.

(Acts 2:41-47, 16:4-5, Matt. 16:18, 28:18-20, Eph. 1:22-23, I Cor. 12:1, 11:23-26) 

In the present ministry of the Holy Spirit; which includes: the baptism in the Holy Spirit as a distinct experience from regeneration; His indwelling whereby the Christian is enabled to live a godly life; His supernatural gifting and enpowering of the church for its work, life and worship.

(Luke 24:29, Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4, 10:44-46, I Cor. chapters 12 & 14)

In the return of Jesus Christ, to consummate His Kingdom in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; those who are saved unto the resurrection of life, and those who are lost unto the resurrection of damnation. 

(John 5:28-29, Mark 14:62, II Thess. 1:2-10, Rev. 1:5-7, 20:4-5, 11-12) 

In the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.

(John 17:11, 21-23, Romans 12:4-5, Ephesians 4:11-16)


David Carlson

Lead Pastor | Contact Pastor Dave

Gabe Carlson

Associate Pastor | Contact Pastor Gabe

Adam Jensen

Youth Pastor | Contact Pastor Adam

Anissa Fabela

Kids Ministry Director | Contact Director Anissa

Shari Carlson

Administrative Ministerial Assistant | Contact Shari

Sandra Valdez

Secretary | Contact Sandra


Dave Carlson, Lead Elder

Dan Fick, Elder

Greg Kuster, Elder

Wayne Price, Elder

Dave Smith, Elder

Ministry Leaders

The History of MCA the Church

Moreno Christian Assembly (MCA) held its first services June 14, 1987, with just over 2 dozen worshippers present. Pastor Richard Carlson and his family came from Valley Christian Assembly, in Palm Desert, their most recent church planting assignment.

MCA was able to purchase the property they are now located on. After about 8 weeks in the original location, the group gathered in a large single family residence, everyone able to fit in the living room. This space quickly became inadequate, and over the next several years the growing congregation had 3 challenging construction projects, culminating in the complex they now occupy.

MCA continues to grow both in numbers and impact as the church has planted many other churches throughout California and Arizona, as well as sending and sponsoring a number of missionaries around the world.