Definition: Faith is the necessary response to hearing God’s word by which we appropriate the promises of God and render to Him our trust, hope, and allegiance. Faith is a gift from God’s grace.
Scriptures: Romans 10:17; Romans 16:25-26; Ephesians 2:8-9
Study: Pastor Charles Spurgeon taught that there are three elements to true, saving faith—knowledge, belief, and trust. In order to have Biblical faith in Christ, we must know information about Him, believe that the information we have heard is true, and then finally trust its truth by living out its implications. Scholar Matthew Bates has summed this up in a single word—allegiance. Christ demands not just heart feelings or mental assent but bodily action. In the same way we are allegiant to a leader or ideal and so do what they say, we are more so allegiant to Jesus our King. We recognize His authority and give Him all of our hope, trust, and obedience.
Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)
- Where does faith come from?
- What is the object of our faith?
- What is the outcome of our faith?
- Can faith be fulfilled through belief alone?