Definition: The Fruit of the Spirit are the grace-enabled products of a life in step with the Spirit. As believers are conformed to the image of Christ, this fruit is more reflected in their lives.
Scriptures: Galatians 5:22-25; Mark 11:13; Colossians 1:10
Study: Although many Christians are familiar with the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5, that list is not an exhaustive one. Rather, it reflects a snapshot of a life devoted to Christ. Christians are called to bear fruit in every area of life, both in season and out of season. In Galatians 5, the fruit of the Spirit is directly contrasted to the desires of the flesh. The point is clear: those who express true faith in Christ will die to sinful passions and desires and instead submit their lives to the will of the Spirit, walking in step with Him and seeking to reflect Christ to those around them.
Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)
- What are the fruit of the Spirit listed in Galatians 5?
- What might be some fruit of the Spirit not explicitly listed in Galatians 5?
- How do Christians cultivate the fruit of the Spirit?
- What is a specific area of your life where you need to cultivate the fruit of the Spirit?