Week 11 - Inspiration

Definition: Inspiration is the work of the Holy Spirit in guiding the creation and assembly of the Bible. God spoke through human authors in their cultural and literary context, while preserving their writings from error or omission in teaching. All of scripture is authoritative and God-breathed, both in word and thought.

Scriptures: Hebrews 4:12-13; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 3:15-16

Study: When Paul describes the scriptures, He uses the word “God-breathed.” The implied idea is a powerful one— the very same breath by which God animated mankind is breathed into the words of your Bible. Thus the author of Hebrews can say scripture is not mere words on a page, but a living, active, force breathing life into all who will receive its truth. When we read scripture it reads us right back, judging our thoughts, attitudes, and emotions and shining light into our darkness.

Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)

- Who is the main character of scripture?

- What is the purpose of scripture?

- How should we respond