Definition: A covenant is an everlasting relationship between two individuals as a result of an agreement. Both parties to a covenant are bound to fulfill their obligations, receiving blessings for fulfillment, and curses for abandonment. God has made a covenant with His people, promising them His presence, His kingdom, and His King. His people are in turn bound to be faithful to Him alone as their God and King, giving Him their full allegiance.
Scriptures: 2 Samuel 7:9-16; Exodus 34:6-7; Isaiah 53:4-7
Study: Ancient Near East covenants required two parties to submit themselves to its terms at the pain of death. The very ceremony gives the exact impression of the covenant’s seriousness—animals would be cut in half and the two parties would walk between them, saying, in essence, “so let it be done to me if I should fail my obligation.” However, when God makes His covenant, He alone walks through the path. In doing this, God promises not only to uphold His end of the bargain bringing blessing to His people, but also to incur their punishment when they fail. Christ’s death is described as that of a sacrificial animal. He has died on our behalf to absorb our penalty for breaking covenant. God’s people now live in the blessings of His covenant and do not fear its curses.
Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)
- What are the blessings of God’s covenant?
- How does knowing that Christ has borne your penalty for unfaithfulness affect your relationship to the Father?
- What does it mean to give the Lord your full allegiance?