Definition: Hell is a real place of eternal torment, created as a place of final judgment for the powers of evil. It is not located somewhere on earth today. At the end of the age, the dead shall be raised, the righteous to eternal life and the wicked to eternal torment.
Scriptures: Matthew 25:41-46; John 3:16-18; Revelation 21:8
Study: It should be said here that the primary aim of Christianity is not an escape from Hell. Christians do not fear Hell. It was not created for us and we shall not find ourselves there, so long as we hold fast in our allegiance to Christ, by the enablement of His grace. Our pursuit is not an escape from judgment, but a growing love for our rescuer. In the words of one great theologian, the Christian goal can be summed into one statement “Fall more and more in love with Jesus”
Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)
- What is the purpose of Hell?
- Was man meant for Hell?
- How long will Hell last?
- Is there any escape for one condemned to Hell?