Week 38 - Sanctification

Definition: Sanctification is the act of Christ setting Christians apart as unique in the world and the life-long process of becoming more like Jesus.

Scriptures: Romans 8:29-30; Corinthians. 11:1; Philippians. 3:12-14

Study: Many Christians often feel insecure in their salvation because of misunderstanding the connection between justification and sanctification. Justification is the forgiving act of God that declares us righteous, while sanctification is the gracious act of God that actually makes us righteous. Despite our legal status of salvation, we still struggle with sin. Sanctification does not happen all at once, rather it occurs much slower and less noticeable than we would prefer. However, it does happen! We can rest assured that the same God who saved us will make us righteous!

Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)

- When does sanctification begin?

- Can you be justified before you are fully sanctified?

- Can you be justified and never become more sanctified?