Week 2 - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

That You May Believe Study Guide

Week 2 - January 10th, 2021

2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Context: Paul writes these words to Timothy, a young pastor in the wealthy, multicultural metropolis of Ephesus. This letter makes up a last will and testament from Paul to his son in the faith. In the immediate context of this passage, Paul encourages his young charge to live distinct from his sinful culture, clinging to the sacred writings which will make him “wise for salvation.”

Meaning: In the middle of the bustling Ephesian metroplex, the Scriptures, made up at the time of the Old Testament Law and a few apostolic writings, are not the imposing cultural icons of modern society, yet they still provide truth that the believer can stand on. This is because they are theopneustos, filled with God’s breath. Just as Timothy cannot breathe without air, neither can a Christian live without the Scriptures.

Life Application: This passage forms the bedrock of the doctrine of inspiration- the belief that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God and the rule of faith. In this specific instance, Scripture is described as a tool for reaching maturity. We become complete in our faith and become more like Christ by studying His Word, accepting it's truths, and applying it's teachings. If you do not already, make sure you have a regular habit of studying the Bible. You will be amazed what fruit it will bring!

For Further Study: We often use the phrase “Word of God” to describe the Bible, but there is an additional way Scripture uses the term. In John 1, Jesus Himself is called the Word of God. Contemplate what this tells us about Jesus, Scripture, and their relationship.