Week 9 - Genesis 1:1

That You May Believe - Study Guide

Week 9 - February 28th, 2021

Genesis 1:1

1 In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Context: This verse makes up the opening line of the Bible, serving as an introduction to the creation narrative of Genesis 1. There are several accepted views for the method and timeline of creation, but all believers agree with these words of Scripture—God is the Creator of everyone and everything.

Meaning: These words make the worldview of the Bible crystal clear. The universe and its inhabitants are not the product of random chance, nor have they perpetually existed. The Hebrew word for God, Elohim, connotes a powerful spiritual being. In Genesis 2, we find out the name of this God—YHWH. This language is meant to present a direct contrast to the Egyptian, Canaanite, and Babylonian creation myths. The world is not created by a pantheon of gods. It does not emerge out of great struggle between competing powers. It is not created by a disinterested deity. The God that created the universe is the same God who revealed Himself to Israel. This God wants a relationship with His creation.

Life Application: Genesis 1 shows us God ordering the universe, both forming and filling all creation according to His own designs. God is a god of order and not chaos. Take comfort in this truth, knowing that God seeks to bring the chaos of your life into order. And He will. The Creator of the universe is attentive to your daily needs.

For Further Study: The story of creation is retold in several parallel accounts throughout Scripture, each with a different point of focus. Read and compare the creation narratives of Psalm 104, Proverbs 8, and Isaiah 40. How do these narratives help us understand the full picture of creation?