Week 6 - Psalm 103:12-13

That You May Believe - Study Guide

Week 6 - February 7th, 2021

Psalm 103:12-13

12 As far as the east is from the west,

    so far does he remove our transgressions from us.

13 As a father shows compassion to his children,

    so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.

Context: David writes this Psalm reflecting on the character of God with thoughts that echo truths recorded in Exodus 34:6-7. He highlights God’s merciful love, noting His faithful acts throughout the history of His people, and compares the infinite God with finite humanity. He bookends his Psalm with the command: “Bless the LORD, O my soul!”

Meaning: Using a pair of analogies, David argues that God’s love is most fully known when we experience His forgiveness. First, he invites us to wrap our minds around the impossible distance between east and west, and then drops the hammer- that is how far God’s forgiveness goes! Second, he invites us to consider the tender compassion of a Father for his children and tells us that is how God’s compassion extends toward our weak humanity.

Life Application: Do you feel burdened by the weight of your sin? Cast it onto Christ! There is great freedom found in Him. His tender mercies extend far beyond what you could imagine! There is no sin too great, no shame too deep, that His love is not deeper still! Bless the LORD for His forgiveness! Praise Him for His faithful love! Exalt His name, you who He has forgiven!

For Further Study: Psalm 103:2-5 tell us not to forget the benefits that come from the love of God. What benefits have you found in your life as a result of God’s faithfulness? Make some time this week to meditate on the love of God. As Him to wash over you and help you feel the love that He has for you. Let Him satisfy you with good.