That You May Believe - Study Guide
Week 11 - March 14th, 2021
Romans 3:23
23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;
Context: Paul begins his exposition of the Gospel message in Romans with the words of Romans 1:18: “For the wrath of God is revealed against all unrighteousness.” He then tells of the terrible destruction that sin brings. It destroys all the good of creation, including humans, so that there is no one righteous. Romans 3:23 serves as a summary statement of the previous three chapters’ discussion.
Meaning: This verse is another significant teaching about the human condition. Although we are made in the image of God, that image is tarnished by sin. We call this belief Total Depravity. Left to ourselves, we will ultimately choose the pleasure of sin over the pleasures of Christ. Every person is in this state. We are in bondage to sin. Do not misunderstand—we have free will, but that will is bent toward sin and love of self. We are unable to obey the commands of God because we are unwilling.
Life Application: One of the fundamental stories that our world tells us is the essential goodness and virtuosity of mankind. Man can achieve, dream, and do all sorts of good if only he attains self-actualization. The Bible tells a different story about humanity—its corruption. Man sees and takes that which his heart most desires. Because of sin, man’s base desires are corrupted; his every word, thought, and deed is tainted. The cure is not self-actualization; rather, it is self-denial. We are to put off our sinful self and take up the righteous life of Christ. Only in the life of Christ can man attain the good for which he was created.
For Further Study: In Romans, Paul discusses sin having reflected on the words of David in Psalm 14. This poetic examination of sin presents a picture of God looking for righteousness in humanity and finding none. Read this Psalm slowly and reflect on the imagery it contains. How do you view God in light of the truth of its words? How do you view yourself?