Week 16 - John 3:16

That You May Believe - Study Guide

Week 16 - April 18th, 2021

John 3:16

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Context: Jesus and an important Jewish leader discuss how to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus says that those who enter His kingdom must be “born again” through the Spirit. Jesus then summarizes His mission against the backdrop of Israel’s story, culminating in the all-important command to believe in Him.

Meaning: The demonstration of God’s love for His world is found in His sending of His Son, Jesus, as a sign and a means of His saving love. Anyone who believes in Jesus, that is, believes that He is God’s Son who came to save the world from God’s judgement, will be spared from the judgement of God and receive eternal life.

Life Application: For those of us who believe in Jesus there is great hope to be found. For us there is no condemnation from God! Although we still struggle in sin and often stumble and fall, Jesus brings us life and forgiveness! But for those who do not believe in Jesus, this is a word of warning. There is judgement coming and those who do not believe in Jesus will suffer in that judgement. Believe in Jesus today!

For Further Study: This passage references the story of the bronze serpent from Numbers 21:4-9. Consider why this story is significant to the message of Jesus. Why does He link Himself to the bronze serpent?