January 30, 2022 | Question 5

Question 5: What else did God create?

Answer: God created all things by His powerful Word, and all His creation was very good; everything flourished under His loving rule.

Kids Answer: God created all things and all His creation was very good.

Key Scripture: Genesis 1:31

Additional Scripture: Romans 8:19–22; Hebrews 2:8; Revelation 21:1

God created everything inherently good and inherently glorifying. However, sin messed everything up. As a result of sin we no longer see the inherent good, glorious creation. We live in a world with natural disasters, disease, poverty, and other ills. These are not a result of God’s negligence but of man’s disobedience. As believers, we look toward a day of redemption–a new heaven and a new earth. This is part of our responsibility as Christians–to bring restoration and redemption to our world by calling the world to repentance and combatting sin’s ill effects.

Questions to ask: (To help process the truth we learned. Ask yourself, a friend, your group, or your family questions to talk through it together)

• What does it mean that God created all things by His Word?

• Does creation by the Word of God allow for alternate theories like creation through evolution or other natural processes?

• How can we help to restore creation?

• What are some implications of the fact that we await a new earth?