July 17, 2022 | Question 29

Question 29: How can we be saved?

Answer: Only by faith in Jesus Christ and in His substitutionary atoning death on the cross; so even though we are guilty of having disobeyed God and are still inclined to all evil, nevertheless, God, without any merit of our own but only by pure grace, imputes to us the perfect righteousness of Christ when we repent and believe in Him.

Kids Answer: Only by faith in Jesus Christ and in His substitutionary atoning death on the cross.

Key Scripture: Ephesians 2:8-9

Additional Scripture: Revelation 21:8; Matthew 25:46; 2 Thessalonians 1:9

“Being justified by faith, we have peace with God. Conscience accuses no longer. Judgment now decides for the sinner instead of against him. Memory looks back upon past sins, with deep sorrow for the sin, but yet with no dread of any penalty to come; for Christ has paid the debt of His people to the last jot and tittle, and received the divine receipt; and unless God can be so unjust as to demand double payment for one debt, no soul for whom Jesus died as a substitute can ever be cast into hell.” -C.H. Spurgeon

Questions to ask: (To help process the truth we learned. Ask yourself, a friend, your group, or your family questions to talk through it together) 

• What does it mean that Christ died as a substitute?

• Was Jesus just a good example or did His life and death really do something for us spiritually?

• Did Christ die for all your sins?

• What saves you—your faith