August 21, 2022 | Question 34

Question 34: Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through Christ alone, must we still do good works and obey God’s Word?

Answer: Yes, because Christ, having redeemed us by His blood, also renews us by His Spirit; so that our lives may show love and gratitude to God; so that we may be assured of our faith by the fruits; and so that by our godly behavior others may be won to Christ.

Kids Answer: Yes, so that our lives may show love and gratitude to God; and so that by our godly behavior others may be won to Christ.

Key Scripture: 1 Peter 2:9–12

Additional Scripture:  John 14–34; Philippians 4:4–5; 1 John 2:3–6

So, then, dear friends, these good works must be in the Christian. They are not the root, but the fruit of his salvation. They are not the way of the believer’s salvation; they are his walk in the way of salvation. Where here is healthy life in a tree, the tree will bear fruit according to its kind; so, if God has made our nature good, the fruit will be good. But if the fruit be evil, it is because the tree is what it always was—an evil tree. The desire of men created anew in Christ is to be rid of every sin. We do sin, but we do not love sin. Sin gets power over us sometimes to our sorrow, but it is a kind of death to us to feel that we have gone into sin; yet it shall not have dominion over us, for we are not under the law, but under grace; and therefore we shall conquer it, and get the victory.

—Charles Spurgeon

Questions to ask: (To help process the truth we learned. Ask yourself, a friend, your group, or your family questions to talk through it together)

• How do you demonstrate love and gratitude to God?

• What role does obedience play in your life as a believer?

• How can you encourage others to do good works for the right reason (as opposed to trying to earn God’s favor)?