Week 4 - Eternality

Definition: Eternality is one of God’s core character traits. As an eternal being, He had no beginning and has no ending. In addition, He has always been Who He is; He is unchanging and unchangeable. He exists outside of time, seeing all of it at once, and yet He acts in time and on time.

Scriptures: Psalm 102:25-27; Ecclesiastes 3:11; Psalm 90:2

Study: The eternality of God is at once both confusing and comforting. It is beyond comprehension for finite beings to consider a being who has no beginning and who has already seen all of time, indeed who is always seeing all of time, and yet that is Who God is. This is a doctrine of great comfort to Christians, to know that nothing will come to pass that God has not already seen and is able to prepare us for and strengthen us in. Furthermore, we can trust our future to the One who has never tasted death and guarantees us a share in eternal life.

Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)

- How long is eternity?

- What is comforting about a God who is outside of time?

- Take a moment and consider the beginningless-ness and endlessness of God. Allow yourself to be overwhelmed by His greatness.