Definition: God is always good. His character is the basis for evaluating what is good. Goodness is that which conforms to God's character, and evil is that which does not conform to His character. Because God is good, He can be trusted to always act in accordance with His good character.
Scriptures: Psalm 31:19-22 ; Mark 10:18; Romans 8:32
Study: A.W. Tozer has said “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Nowhere is this more true than in thinking about the moral and ethical character of God. If God were only all-powerful and all-knowing, He would be terrifying indeed, for what would prevent Him from using these powers to harm us? However, because God is also all-good we can trust that He is always working to our highest good. Even in the midst of intense suffering or tribulation, we know that God is good and only does good.
Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)
- How do we know that God is good?
- How does God determine good from evil?
- How can our lives reflect God’s goodness?
- Can we be as good as God?