Definition: As the sovereign ruler of the universe, God has both the power and authority to do all He wills. He does not rule the world as a benevolent dictator; rather, He is lovingly guiding all of human history to conform to His divine plan for the redemption and restoration of all creation.
Scriptures: Psalm 115:3 ; Genesis 50:2; Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 1:11
Study: God’s sovereignty is not limited to the high-level movements of history alone; He is also sovereignly directing our lives. Though we may not know it now, we will one day
recognize God’s hand providentially working for our good. However, men do not live as divine puppets. We make free and rational choices in accordance with our nature. We cannot blame God when our poor choices result in poor outcomes, nor can we claim sole credit when His grace results in our success. Likewise, we are to trust His good character in the midst of challenging circumstances. We live in the tension of our total responsibility and God’s total sovereignty
Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)
- Why does it matter that God has both the power and authority to work His will?
- What are times in your life you can reflect on and see God’s direction?
- What is God’s ultimate goal for both you and the world?