Week 22 - Total Depravity

Definition: Total depravity means that man, left to his own devices, will ultimately choose the pleasure of sin over the pleasures of Christ. Thanks be to God! Through Christ Jesus we are given faith and freed from the bondage of our depravity.

Scriptures: Romans 7:14; Romans 14:23; Galatians 2:20

Study: One of the fundamental stories that our world tells us is the essential goodness and virtuosity of mankind. Man can achieve, dream, and do all sorts of good if only he attains self-actualization. The Bible tells a different story about humanity—its corruption. Man sees and takes that which his heart most desires. Because of sin man’s base desires are corrupted and thus his every word, thought, and deed is tainted. The cure is not self-actualization; rather it is self-denial. We are to put off our sinful self and take up the righteous life of Christ. Only in the life of Christ can man attain the good for which he was created.

Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)

- Are men today inherently good or inherently evil?

- Was man created good or evil?

- How will man be restored to his created state?