Week 23 - Evil

Definition: Evil is the absence of good. Anything that does not conform to the character of God can be considered evil. There are supernatural entities in rebellion against God that are opposed to God’s mission in the world. However, because God is all powerful, these evil beings are restrained by God’s power in accordance with God’s purposes. 

Scriptures: Ephesians 6:12; Psalm 23:4; Proverbs 8:13

Study: Augustine of Hippo created a helpful defense for the origins of evil: “Evil has no positive nature; but the loss of good has received the name ’evil.’” Just as darkness is the result of an absence of light, evil results as an absence of good. Why does God allow evil to occur? A world that had never been touched by evil would be a good place, but it wouldn’t be the best place possible. The best of all worlds would be a place where evil facilitated the development of virtues that are only able to exist where evil flourishes for a time. Certainly individual tragedies are not good in and of themselves, though God is certainly capable of redeeming any tragedy. Rather, the greater good results from having a world in which there is moral freedom, and moral freedom makes moral tragedies like these possible.


Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)

- Is God the author of evil?

- Where does evil come from?

- How should Christians respond to evil?