Week 34 - Gospel


Definition: The Gospel is the proclamation of Jesus as the Son of God in power, the King of the world, and the Forgiver of sins.

Scriptures: Romans 1:1-6; Mark. 1:14-15; 1 Corinthians 15:3-5

Study: The Gospel is not primarily about forgiveness from sin. The word Gospel comes from Hebrew “bisser” and the Greek “euangelion.” It is a royal proclamation of good news for a nation, tied to the coronation of a new ruler. The Gospel of God that Jesus preaches in Mark 1 is this sort of good news announcement–Jesus has come to the world as its new King, descended from the royal line and establishing a new dynasty in His church. We are called to give our full allegiance to this Gospel, acknowledging King Jesus as the new ruler of our lives.

Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)

- What is the Gospel?

- How does forgiveness from sin relate to the Gospel?

- Is it possible to have Jesus as Savior without having Him as King?

- How can Jesus preach the Gospel in Mark chapter 1 if He doesn’t die until Mark chapter 15?