Definition: Election is a gracious act of God in which He chooses a people on whom to bestow His blessings in order to bless the whole world. God has elected Christ to bring blessings to His church and His church to bring blessings to the world. God has individually elected those who receive the blessing of salvation.
Scriptures: Romans 9:10-12; Genesis 12:1-3; Ephesians 1:3-14
Study: Election is thought to be a controversial doctrine, but it is clearly taught in scripture. Believers are regularly reminded that they are chosen by God. We should remember that election is about blessing and inclusion, not exclusion. Rather than focusing on who is and who is not among the elect, we should focus our attention on the love that God has demonstrated toward us! We have received the grace of God that we did not deserve! We should be eager to confirm our calling and election.
Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)
- What is the purpose of election?
- What are the blessings of election?
- Who is election for?