June 19, 2022 | Question 25

Question 25: Does Christ’s death mean all our sins can be forgiven?

Answer: Yes, because Christ’s death on the cross fully paid the penalty for our sin, God graciously imputes Christ’s righteousness to us as if it were our own and will remember our sins no more.

Kids Answer: Yes, because Christ’s death on the cross fully paid the penalty for our sin, God will remember our sins no more.

Key Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:21

Additional Scripture: Micah 7:19; Hebrews 8:12; Romans 3:25

You can’t talk too much about the death of Christ! It’s one of the most foundational doctrines of our faith. What Christ accomplished on His cross is impossible to overstate. The moment He died, all our sins, past, present, and future, were completely obliterated! But He didn’t just take away sins. The Bible teaches us that Christ also made us righteous with His own righteousness. There is no shortfall between our righteousness and Christ’s. We don’t need to “become” righteous. We are righteous and it’s based on Jesus, not us. This is good news!

Questions to ask: (To help process the truth we learned. Ask yourself, a friend, your group, or your family questions to talk through it together)

• How many of your sins were forgiven when Christ died?

• Are there any areas of your life where you’re relying on your own righteousness?

• If our righteousness comes from Christ then why should we try to live righteously?