June 26, 2022 | Question 26

Question 26: What else does Christ’s death redeem?

Answer: Christ’s death is the beginning of the redemption and renewal of every part of fallen creation, as He powerfully directs all things for His own glory and creation’s good.

Kids Answer: Every part of fallen creation.

Key Scripture: Colossians 1:19-20

Additional Scripture: Romans 8:18-22; Hebrews 2:8; Job 38:8-11

Much ink has been spilled explaining how sin affects mankind. We understand our depraved and sinful nature. We recognize sin’s corrupting efforts against our will, mind, emotions, and bodies. We know that sin means death for us. In comparison, we talk relatively little about the impacts of The Fall on all of creation. Sin tainted not only humanity but also every molecule of creation. We see natural disasters, climate change, and ferocious beasts as part of the natural order, but these are all actually a result of sin. In His death on the cross, Christ began the process of restoring creation to its original state of perfect harmony. God’s people are tasked with continuing this work, caring for creation and working the earth until the lion shall lie down with the lamb and the earth shall be filled with the fullness of God.

Questions to ask: (To help process the truth we learned. Ask yourself, a friend, your group, or your family questions to talk through it together)

• What are some practical ways we can continue Christ’s work of

redemption in creation?

• Is our world as good as it could be?

• Will the earth be destroyed when Christ returns?

• What will we spend our time doing in eternity?