Definition: For us and for our salvation, God the Son came down from heaven; He became incarnate by the Holy Spirit and the virgin Mary, and was made human. He is one, however, not by His divinity being turned into flesh, but by God's taking humanity to Himself.
Scriptures: Daniel 7:13-14; Daniel 7:27; Matthew 26:64; 1 John 3:2
Study: One of the most historically important doctrines is that of the nature of God the Son. The church has, through the ages, confessed the perfect union of the divine and human natures of the one person Jesus the Christ. The creeds of Nicea, Chalcedon, and Athanasius are universally accepted by all believers and contain an authoritative summary of Christian doctrine. Through the incarnation, God became a man. This presents Christians with a profound promise... because Christ was made to be like us, we, too, shall be made to be like Him.
Questions to Ask: (these will help process the truth learned)
- What is the significance of God becoming a man?
- Did the Son become less God in becoming a man?
- Was Jesus a good man who became God?